In college we were required to take a foreign language to graduate,
and if you read through the information you figured out that with one
additional class and a study aboard you could get a minor. This was a no brainer for me – I got to go to
Spain all in the name of education. The purpose of the study abroad was to immerse
student into the language and the culture.
Unlike a class which trickled information into your glass slowly with
finite precision allowing you to drink at reasonable pace – a study abroad
throws you into the lake with a small life vest and expects you to learn
quickly how to tread water.
Have you been immersed in the culture and the environments
of the people you are developing products for?
Technologist, if you are in the business of creating a “business” is it
really worth it? Can you truly attach
passion to it? As for me and my house –
we don’t think it’s a long term answer. Passion comes from creating tools that really
help people.
I met some really great folks at the Connexall User conference
in Toronto. One was Craig Martin an “IT
Guy” from University of Michigan Health System.
Craig and his IT team have immersed themselves into the different units to
gain clear knowledge of clinical needs. Craig described his goal of disintegrating
silos and creating more effectiveness in development and decision making ideals
around purchasing and creating healthcare products. The formula is really quite simple from a
high level view - it’s to become the
foreign exchange student on the clinical unit – to immerse yourself in the
culture and life of the people who will be most affected by the choices on
technology - the end user. On a hospital level Craig’s “Immersion
Principle” takes a person from IT and attaches them to the hip of a nurse to
experience a day or week in the life of someone who is directly engaged in
patient care. Craig said “We in healthcare IT cannot hide from the
sometimes overwhelming things that go on in our hospitals.”
I am impressed by this team they were focused on creating environments
for better care by utilizing technology as an enabling tool. I can’t say that of every hospital.
Technologist – when was the last time you stepped foot in a
hospital for something other than a sales call? Where does your passion for product come from? Is it
in a paycheck or is it in the realization that what you are doing is making a
difference in the lives of the sick and helpless. This which we do for the least of our
After being in the hospital with #4 for a week – I will
never look at a call light system the same again. My passion is in the eyes of that sick baby.
When you immerse yourself into a culture – your perspective
is forever changed. Do you need an
inspiration? Spend a day on the floor of
a hospital with a nurse doing nothing but observing – not selling, not
creating, just observe. Let their
reality become your reality.
Cinderblocks 2025, May 19-20, coming to Somerset, PA
Cinderblocks is back! This year it will be held at the campus of Trinity
Lutheran Church. There is a hiking trail, outside pavilion, and an indoor
hall ...
2 weeks ago